
Monday, October 16, 2006

An iPod Classroom?

Q1. The article suggests that iPod video lectures are effective for "kinesthetic learners",” who tend to be hands-on, active, and require frequent breaks." Do you think that you would learn well using an iPod? Why or why not?

A1. I don't think i'd learn well viewing iPod video lectures because im not a "kinesthetic learner". I learn better sitting in a classroom and just listening to the teacher. If I did use an iPod to view the lectures i'd probably get distracted by turning on music as well which would distract me from learning what im suppose to learn. Whenever I would have a question, I wouldn't be able to ask the teacher right away about it since i'm viewing the lecture on an iPod on my own with no one else obviously. But I know that I might be able to work fine with an iPod but it would give me great difficulty to learn the material well when learning it from the teacher would make it more reasonable for me.

Q2. An advocate for "v-casting" through the iPod says that: "“It'’s more interactive and more self-directed." Do you think that Mary Ward, with its commitment to self-directed learning, should embrace such technology for education? What are some advantages or disadvantages?

A2. I think it would be a nice idea for Mary Ward to embrace such technology for their education, but it will come with advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages to me would be that for students who are fast tracking and need a seminar, they can watch it on their iPod right away rather than waiting for the next seminar to be scheduled and if a student missed a seminar that was manditory they can also watch it on their iPod without worrying about missing anything. But it can still has its disadvantages. The iPod can freeze if the program on it is crammed in with a lot of other programs. Students might even take the chances to skip because their seminar is on their iPod so they'd leave it off til later. Which is bad because what if they leave it off for so long, they'll be off track, MAJORILY! And skipping is bad, students should use up their time wisely. But I still it would be a good idea to try it out and see how it turns out in Mary Ward. Anyways, we are self directed learners, we should know how to manage our time. :)