
Sunday, April 01, 2007

Reading in Cyberspace ?!?

1. What effect will this library-based digitization have on Google’s relationships with publishers?
A. I think it will have a good effect on Google's relationships with publishers because maybe publishers are having a hard time showing their books to a larger community of people.

2. How have Google’s competitors, such as Yahoo! or Microsoft, respond to this challenge?
A. I don't think Google's competitors, such as Yahoo! or Microsoft will really try to do anything about it. They certainly won't try to copy the idea. I heard that publishers ahve tried to sue Google for putting sections of their books on the internet without persmission, but due tot he fact that Google has so much money because they are the largest search engine, they wouldn't have to worry about being sued because they can just pay it back no problem. But personally, I don't know much on what Yahoo!, Microsoft or others are responding to this challenge,(the youtube video isn't helping because its taking a REALLY LONG TIME TO LOAD, due to the fact that my computer's slow)but I do think that Google's competitors are doing just fine with all their own things. Google has its own, Yahoo! has its own, including Yahoo! email.

3. What impact could this project have on the access to information?
A. This new search engine would help make it easier for people to search up books they would like. It wouldn't be a great help to people who don't have internet obviously, but they could always go to their nearest library's computers and search up books there. It's not complicated either, just a few clicks and there you go. Easy, and won't take long either. Less than a minute is really fast seeing how the Google Book Search is looking up a ton of books on their data base.

4.Will librarians be threatened by the new development?
A. I don't think librarians will be threatened by the new development. I think it would help them out a bit, save them a lot more time helping people search for books. Google book search might even help librarians help others who don't know about the search look for books.

5. What do you think?
A.I think that Google Book Search would help me out on my part. I really love reading books, if they interest me of course. But I have those times where I can't seem to find the book I really want to buy. I barely have any trouble searching for books at my local library, but when it comes to wanting to buy one, I just feel like giving up. Of course I don't, but usually i'd put it off for a really long time and maybe, sooner or later, i'll lose my chance on purchasing that certain book I want. I never tried Google Book Search yet. I think I should now that i'm hearing about all it does to help you out on searching for books.

Are Wii the Children of the Revolution?

I think Wii is a true technological revolution. I don't have a Wii but personally I really do want one. I hear from every one of my friends that have on that its A-M-A-Z-I-N-GGGGG! I'd answer, "Like, WHOA! I want one!" At first though, I thought that maybe the Wii would have some glitches. Like maybe if you wave that controller thing you use around too much and then it would start to lag. But I guess I was wrong when my cousins told me its actually worth playing games on it. It does look really, really hype! But technology keeps on evolving from one thing to another. First we have normal game systems with controllers hooked up to the system. Then after that, WIRELESS controllers. And now the incredible Wii! Where the controller is not only wireless, but you can move on your free will as your character on the game moves along with you. That's just cool. I always think though, what are they going to come up with next? I would have no clue what they could make. Before the Wii came out, I actually thought of how maybe people can make a system where you can control it with your own movements rather than just pressing buttons that somehow cramp your thumbs if you play for too long(that happened to me). I do play games on systems like PS2, nintendo Gamecube, etc. I personally love it when new more revolutionized game systems come out. It makes games more exciting and gives me more reasons to try them out and buy it. I suggest for all gamers out there to try the Wii out if they haven't yet. I bet it'll be worth it.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

What makes YOU special?

The Genographic Project

This project's goal is to solve the mystery on how humankind populated the planet. They say that we all are related - descended from an African who lived only 60 000 years ago. What scientists believe is that we all migrated from Africa. If we did, how did we get where we are and how did humankind become so diverse? So many languages are spoken and there are just so many of us populated all around the world. How did we become who we are today if we all somehow have an ancestor who only lived 60 000 years ago? That is what the Genographic Project is all about, but they can't do this all alone. They need DNA from traditional and indigenous people.

Traditional people include us, the general public society and what they mean by indigenous people are populations of people who have lived within their geographic region and have kept their present culture for many generations. There is no official universal definition for "indigenous people", but they do go by an influential working definition:

"Indigenous communities, peoples and nations are those which, having a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves distinct from other sectors of the societies now prevailing on those territories, or parts of them. They form at present non-dominant sectors of society and are determined to preserve, develop and transmit to future generations their ancestral territories, and their ethnic identity, as the basis of their continued existence as peoples, in accordance with their own cultural patterns, social institutions and legal system."(Jose R. Martinez Cobo, Special Rapporteur of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities)

This project doesn't have a lot of time to reach its goal. This Genographic Project will need to only take 5 years of effort to collect and genotype 100 000 indigenous and traditional DNA from all over the world. How do they do this if they're going to need individual DNA samples from around the world? They can't bring everyone to one laboratory to do this. Instead, they send out Genographic Public Participation Kits. An individual has to do a simple cheek swab sample, that simple.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

When War meets Video Games

1. Why are war video games so popular now?

A: War video games are so popular now because of all the new more realistic graphics game creators are coming up with. Teenagers like us prefer games that are more graphical because of the fact that its better quality. There are more challenges for the player to face and most of the war video games are now longer as they extend the plot of the story for more and better game play.

2. "If it's not realistic, it's not worth playing," is a quote in the article. Do you think realistic war games desensitive people to the horror of war or is it just fun?

A: Well, I do think its more fun, but to me, there are some war games that show a little too much of the really bloody scenes. I mean like, they should really cut back on showing all of the graphical effects that show what happen in reality. The game can be fun with realistic guns, realistic people, maybe a LITTLE bit of blood here and there... but honestly, some games show heads getting cut off, arms and legs being dislocated. Doesn't that make you sick to the stomach? I know it makes ME really sick. Even games that deal with ghosts and what not are less bloodier than some war games.

3. What do you personally think of war video games?

A. I personally think war games are fun. Some might not think so, but I sure know that a good war game, and I repeat, GOOD! Which means not SO SO bloody. Those games, I like to play when i'm really, really angry about something. You know, if I fight with a friend or family, i'd rather take out my anger on a game than on them. It's safe too, no one really gets hurt but the people in the game. But what I really want to point out again, war games are getting to graphical. Some like it, and others don't. Gamers got to learn how to make games that satisfy everyone. As new game systems are coming out(eg. PS3, Wii, Xbox 360), more graphical games are being produced. I can't even imagine how war games will get worse than what some are now. I admit, some are good, but i can't deny the fact that others aren't good due to the fact that it just... disgusts me!

Monday, October 16, 2006

An iPod Classroom?

Q1. The article suggests that iPod video lectures are effective for "kinesthetic learners",” who tend to be hands-on, active, and require frequent breaks." Do you think that you would learn well using an iPod? Why or why not?

A1. I don't think i'd learn well viewing iPod video lectures because im not a "kinesthetic learner". I learn better sitting in a classroom and just listening to the teacher. If I did use an iPod to view the lectures i'd probably get distracted by turning on music as well which would distract me from learning what im suppose to learn. Whenever I would have a question, I wouldn't be able to ask the teacher right away about it since i'm viewing the lecture on an iPod on my own with no one else obviously. But I know that I might be able to work fine with an iPod but it would give me great difficulty to learn the material well when learning it from the teacher would make it more reasonable for me.

Q2. An advocate for "v-casting" through the iPod says that: "“It'’s more interactive and more self-directed." Do you think that Mary Ward, with its commitment to self-directed learning, should embrace such technology for education? What are some advantages or disadvantages?

A2. I think it would be a nice idea for Mary Ward to embrace such technology for their education, but it will come with advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages to me would be that for students who are fast tracking and need a seminar, they can watch it on their iPod right away rather than waiting for the next seminar to be scheduled and if a student missed a seminar that was manditory they can also watch it on their iPod without worrying about missing anything. But it can still has its disadvantages. The iPod can freeze if the program on it is crammed in with a lot of other programs. Students might even take the chances to skip because their seminar is on their iPod so they'd leave it off til later. Which is bad because what if they leave it off for so long, they'll be off track, MAJORILY! And skipping is bad, students should use up their time wisely. But I still it would be a good idea to try it out and see how it turns out in Mary Ward. Anyways, we are self directed learners, we should know how to manage our time. :)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

With the GOOD, comes the BAD.

public profiles on web pages
Now... the positive things on this is that people get to know who you are. And you can also make new friends. :) You can express yourself and tell anyone what type of person you are and maybe you'll get very nice comments. And what if someone wants to show off their artwork or what not, they can do it on their web pages. You never know, you might become a famous artist! (like me.) JOKES. :)

But... there are negative views on public profiles. There are many, as you can say "perverts" out there. Especially towards girls. If you make public profiles, you got to know what to write and what not to write. Notice that its called "Public Profiles". Unless you set yours to private or only to people you know. But then again, anything can happen right? Basiclly, you can't trust people who ask to meet you in person. Its internet, you don't see who they are before you see them do you. And even if you do, it could be fake. If you do go and meet them, Good luck. They better be the person you THINK they are or else you're in trouble.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

hey guys! xD

How's school? Liking Media? Don't know what else to say but hope you guys had a GREAT summer! (: I didn't know what else to put for my blog title, that name just popped up in my head. =_= Oh well, its all good. Have fun with your blogs. >_<